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Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo introduces new recycled material cards

Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo remains committed to promoting responsible banking for a sustainable future by undertaking environmentally friendly initiatives. As part of these initiatives, the bank began offering new VISA debit and credit cards made of recycled material to its customers this month.

The new recycled cards are made of recycled materials such as plastic and other materials, and they include eco-friendly designs as well as a logo that indicates that the card is recyclable.

Përdorimi i këtyre kartelave do të ndihmojë në mbrojtjen e mjedisit duke ndikuar në: 

  • Lowering the carbon footprint
  • Reducing the amount of waste in landfills
  • Avoiding pollution of the water and ai.
  • Reducing the energy usage (which is used to produce ordinary cards).

The bank's commitment to providing recycled cards to its customers is an important part of the bank’s ESG strategy.

Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo invites its customers to join it in its quest for a greener planet and a brighter future by using recycled cards and other environmentally friendly products.