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Who is the Competence Center?

The Competence Center was established in 2018 to provide services to RBI Group.

The center initially had 18 staff members, while today it has around 100 members. Competence Center offers services in Software Engineering, Data Integration and Analysis, Archer platform, Infosec and many other services.

The center also manages the "Elevator Lab" and "Innovation Garden" programs.

The RBKO Innovation Journey

Since its establishment in 2018, numerous successes have been achieved by the Competence Center. These achievements have helped in the development of products that have improved banking services.

  • 2018 Establishment of the Center of Competence

    The organization of "Elevator Lab" and "Innovation Garden" for the first time in RBKO

      First POC (Proof of Concept) and partnership with AR Vision

POC with Pisano

  • 2019 The year of proactivity
    Regional organization of "Elevator Lab" in partnership with RBAL
    The successful organization of the "Innovation Garden" with many participants in the programs

"Innovation Jam" and "Intrapreneurship" 

"Joint Data Analytics - Hackathon" in partnership with local Universities.

  • 2020 First year of pandemic situation
     "Joint Data Analytics - Hackathon" in partnership with local Universities.
    Successful POC and partnership with Quantix
  • 2021 2nd year of pandemic situation
    Regional "Challenge" organized for the first time, in partnership with RBAL, RBSR, RBHR and RBBH
    "Online Data Science - Hackathon" in partnership with local Universities
  • 2022 Post Pandemic
    Partnership with Universities of the RISE program
    Donation to local Universities
    Creation of the innovation team

Success story

The work of the Competence Center has created many success stories for local companies. You can see some of these successes below.

The 5-year partnership was signed in 2021 with Quantix for the development of the BrokerX platform BrokerX is a brokerage platform that is based on the concept of bidding and that will
connect the two parties of the transaction, brokers and insurance companies, in an easy, fast, safe and intuitive way.

Man using digital tablet psd mockup smart technology

2nd place winner in Elevator Lab 2018 POC and partnership to develop an application for loyalty program, promotion and marketing activities using Augmented Reality

Winner of "Elevator Lab Bootcamp 2022" POC for developing payment opportunities that are equivalent to token-based Digital cash.

Finalist in "RBI ELEVATOR LAB 2018" for the platform for customer suggestions.

RBKO POC with 8 kiosks, SMS, social media and website channels.

Strategic areas of interest

ESG and Sustainability
Ecological care – reduction of CO2 emissions
The new work environment for bank staff

Retail and non-retail
Solutions with digital platforms
Digital solutions for reaching new customers

Advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Payments and payments on platforms with biometric measures

Automation of processes
Focus on Risk and Operations

Strategic partnerships
The Center of Competence has achieved strategic partnerships with organizations that are an example for
their work in Kosovo and the region.

Partnerships with innovation hubs and media
Innovation Center of Kosovo, VentureUP, KOSICT

Universities, Association of Information and Communication Technology in Kosovo (STIKK),
Business Consultants Councils (BCC)

Partnerships with innovation hubs and media
Innovation Center of Kosovo, VentureUP, KOSICT

Universities, Association of Information and Communication Technology in Kosovo (STIKK),
Business Consultants Councils (BCC)

Companies and Start-ups
Quantix, Gjirafa and other local companies from the IT sector
Quantix, Gjirafa and other local companies from the IT sector